b quiet
b quiet
b quiet
b quiet

b quiet

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Ruby Room flower and gem essences are used to amplify, cleanse, balance and protect energy. Our essences are vibrational (alive) with elemental energy which can be measured with bio-feedback. Spray essences around your energy, in your space, to charge your crystals, gemstone jewels, cleanse your home, office, nursery or, work space.

B Quiet, flower and gem vibrational essence is an emergency spray to induce instant inner and outer peace. Perfect for a chaotic environment, crying baby or before meditation & yoga.

Aroma: The infused aroma of pure rose and geranium oils calms the nerves and makes the world a more peaceful place to live in.

Blend: Baby Blue Eyes, Snapdragon, Camelia, Rosemary, Rosa Damascene, Chestnut Flower, Ohia Lehua, Clematis Versicolor, Rosa Virginia, Aquamarine, Schlossmacherite, Krypton and HeliumRead Less
Ruby Room flower and gem essences are used to amplify, cleanse, balance and protect energy. Our essences are vibrational (alive) with elemental energy which can be measured with bio-feedback. Spray...Read More

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